God Knows Gospel Tract – Pack of 100
Dimensions: 2.5″x3.5″ Trading Card Size
Text Content:
GOD KNOWS everything I do. He knows everything I’ve ever done, spoken, or thought. GOD KNOWS all of the things about me that no one else can see. He knows how hard I try to convince myself that I won’t be found guilty on judgment day, but GOD KNOWS that if all my thoughts could be displayed to others I would want to run and hide! GOD KNOWS every time I’ve broken the Ten Commandments and lied or taken His name in vain. GOD KNOWS my lust is adultery (Matt. 5:28) and thoughts of hate or revenge are murder (1 John 3:15) by His standard. GOD KNOWS if I break any of His Laws I’m guilty of all (James 2:10). GOD KNOWS that all liars will go to an eternal lake of fire (Revelation 21:8) and all who claim to have faith but do not obey Him will have eternal weeping and gnashing of teeth (Matt. 24:50-51). BUT GOD KNOWS that He sent His Son into the world to reconcile sinners to Him. GOD KNOWS that Jesus Christ suffered and died on a cross, bearing my sins in His own body so that I could be saved and healed (1 Pet. 2:24). GOD KNOWS that if I truly forsake my sins I will have mercy (Prov. 28:13). He knows I can still call on His name in faith today while I’m yet breathing. GOD KNOWS that my life could end suddenly under His wrath if I refuse His calling. GOD KNOWS that I would instantly sink into Hell if that happens. GOD KNOWS that I must run to Him before it’s too late. Am I you? GOD KNOWS…